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Beer is nothing more than the blending of four ingredients.
Brasca Brewery believes in these four ingredients as they are capable of giving infinite results and emotions.
The production of beer is a biological process in which inspiration and imagination dictate the law.
The raw material of our beers comes from top-level companies, selected after careful research.
Weyermann German noble malts, hops produced by Yakima Chief Hops, are just some of the excellences we turn to for the choice of ingredients.
The first step in the production of beer falls on the mineralogical profile of the water.
Each style requires its own specific water so that the flavors of the ingredients used stand out in the best possible way. For this reason, our water is softened, sterilized with UV rays and, subsequently, demineralized through the reverse osmosis process. This process allows us to have water as pure as possible to be able to modify it to our liking.
The barley malt is weighed, crushed and crushed through a special mill and will give the beer body, color and alcohol.
Then follows the production of the beer wort, which is then filtered and boiled.
All these phases take place in our direct flame production plant.
We use the heat of the fire, with the best brewing technologies, for the creation of our beers. Innovation and tradition in a single tool.
During boiling, the must is sterilized and its bitter is added by adding hops.
Hops, in several of our beers, is the ingredient that most characterizes them.
Added during the boiling process, the hops release its essential oils which will give it flavor and aroma.
At the end of the process the must is cooled and placed in the fermenter with the yeast.
Yeast is the real creator of the creation of beer. Thanks to it, the sugar extracted from barley malt will be converted into alcohol.
Depending on its type, different and particular results will be obtained. Belgian, American, English and German yeasts: these are only four macro-groups of yeasts that can be found in our brewery, each with its own characteristics and peculiarities.
Thus begins the fermentation which lasts from 3 to 5 days and thus the beer is created.
Subsequently it undergoes a maturation at temperatures around 4 ° C - 5 ° C, so that all its aromatic notes stand out in the best possible way.
Once the maturation is over, the isobaric packaging is carried out, which can be in bottles or in kegs.

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